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colt 2005 seat problem

Filluar nga Anonymous, Prill 27, 2006, 11:10:24 MD

« meparshmi - tjetri »

0 Anëtare dhe 1 Vizitor po shikojne kete teme.


have had this colt for a year , its a 1.3 , 5 doors new model . 8500 km .

The springs/rubber in the back of the driver seat are now soft and I drop on to
the frame on either side , when driving .

The garage say they cannot help as this is how the seat is .They will
not replace the seat or help so far.

Mitsubishi say the garage should look for a solution what
ever that means . I thought I had 3 year guarantee .

I have tried stuffing the seat at sides over the frame
and putting some support at rear of springs ,but still end up feeling
the frames when driving . The seat seems ok when first sitting but during
the ride I tend to put more pressure on the back side , and yes I
can feel the frame sh... it . the springs/rubber are just too soft / thin
either side .

I weigh 94 kg and average height 6 ft . I drive every day to
and from work over small roads , total 22 km per day . And that about it .

The first 8 months I had no problem with seat. I guess springs and rubber
were still in good condition .

Does anybody know how to solve / suggestion for supply of alternative seat
or support / or how to adjust the springs ? These weak looking things
are shaped like a flat topped sinus curve and stetched across 3/4 of the back.
Rubber and air has to do the rest .

You know its not too bad a car ,once you get the front suspension greased,
The engine noise reduced with form material , jam the front storage
draw with foam to stop a rattle , and avoid crunching the reverse gear by
by selecting reverse slower . Technical speaking no problems . The car looks good like new. plenty of space . radio/cd work perfect . Steering and
acceleration in town are good .

Question is , is it me or does anybody else have any problems of this kind
and help with a solution .

Yours frustrated

John Barber
The Netherlands


Mitsubishi already gives you an good answer, Your garage is the one where you must go with car problems.

Some Dealers are just assholes, so the best thing you can do is drive to an other Mitsubishi dealer.

If its an garanty work, big change the other dealer will solved the problem.

Good luck Cool


